Jul 21, 2022 Camille A. Hanard

Premint’s recent hack victims will be refunded

Four days after the popular NFT platform Premint was infiltrated by a malicious party, the team announced its plans to return 340 ETH worth $525,000 (at the time of writing) to the exploit victims. As an additional security measure, Premint is also acquiring a wallet authentication tool, named Vulcan, to avoid similar attacks in the future.

“This is a ONE TIME action, for this very specific event, and only for the wallets on the linked list. We know this isn't a perfect solution, but we feel like it's an objective, scalable way of dealing with a horrible situation for many people,” the Premint team specified.

Premint’s CEO Brenden Mulligan stated that the company has been working with a third party, a non-Premint employee, to make on-chain analysis and come up with a list of all NFTs stolen during the weekend attack. The funds will be transferred to the affected wallets from this list within the following seven days; the payment will be equal to the floor price of every stolen NFT in a particular collection as of today at 10:00 a.m. PST.

On Sunday, the attacker breached Premint’s website by adding a malicious JavaScript file to the site, prompting users to click on the link and verify their wallets. As a result of users’ wallets exposure, the hackers managed to steal 321 NFTs, which included such prominent collections as BAYC, Goblintown, and Otherside.


Camille A. Hanard

Camille A. Hanard

Last updated: Jul 21, 2022

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