Nov 11, 2022 Frank Stewskid

Optimism NFTs can now be mirrored on the Ethereum mainnet

Optimism, a Layer 2 network, has been seeing its NFT scene growing in the past couple of months. Nevertheless, due to the nature of Layer 2 networks, NFT holders weren’t able to take advantage of some features native to mainnet NFTs. Now, this is about to change as two developers combined efforts into creating an open-source dApp that allows mirroring NFTs from Optimism to the Ethereum mainnet.

Magic Mirror, as the project is named, allows users to mirror their NFTs and use them as verified NFTs on social media apps like Twitter. Although originally the tool was built to facilitate Optimism-based NFTs being mirrored on Ethereum, according to its creators it can be utilized to bridge between any two Ethereum-based blockchains. As described, Magic Mirror is meant to make NFTs on chains other than Ethereum more accessible, but it is not meant to be a trustless bridge between various different blockchain networks.

The architecture of the dApp consists of two smart contracts and a backend server. The first contract is called “MagicMirrorNFT” and is deployed on the destination blockchain. It can be interacted with through a public “mint” function which mints a non-transferable NFT with a token ID equal to the user’s address. The second contract – “MagicMirrorManager” is deployed on the native blockchain of the NFT to be mirrored and can be used to update NFTs, as the creators of the project assume that doing so would be cheaper for users than utilizing the destination chain for the same actions.

Finally, the Magic Mirror Server acts as a trusted rendering server returning token URI data for mirrored NFTs on secondary chains. Therefore, the server will not render images not owned by users trying to mirror them.


Frank Stewskid

Frank Stewskid

Last updated: Nov 11, 2022

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