Alien Worlds NFT project review

Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds



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Open app

Basic info

  • Token TLM
  • Audited yes
  • DAO no
  • Yield farming no
  • Team public
  • Hacks no





Last updated: Aug 16, 2023

What is Alien Worlds?

Alien Worlds is a DeFi Meta universe running on the WAX blockchain. The game is based on NFT technology and the P2E (play to earn) concept, allowing users to interact, compete and collaborate with each other in a game format, as well as acquire digital NFT items, complete quests, and participate in battles and contests. Players can own land, rent it out and earn money from it, as well as earn passive income in different ways. 

Alien Worlds was created in 2020 by the German company Dacoco GmbH, whose developers have previously created such successful projects as eosDAC and Liberland.

How does Alien Worlds work?

Alien Worlds runs on the WAX blockchain, but their Trillium token contract is also deployed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum networks. WAX supports the transactional layer for the majority of the core gaming logic (e.g., Federation and Planets), whereas BSC supports "mission" staking, allowing missions to be offered to BEP-20 TLM token holders. The NFTs used in Alien Worlds run on both BSC and WAX, with NFT image data stored in a peer-to-peer interplanetary file system (IPFS) to ensure image preservation and decentralization.

There are several main components of the game that are available to users for interaction.

Planets. The owner of each planet chooses their own game strategy and type of resource extraction to mine minerals. Initially, there are six planets, each represented by a smart contract on the WAX blockchain. New planets can be created by the Federation, and the laws of the planet are agreed upon jointly by the Federation and the community. Every day planets receive a certain amount of TLM, allocated by the Guardians at their discretion among the players. Players (“inhabitants” of the planet) can use TLM tokens to vote for certain decisions of the owner, so the planet is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) with its own board of five “directors”. They decide all matters related to mining on the planet and determine the planet’s development path: resource development strategy, available quests, and the mining commission rate. Every Alien World's player can nominate themselves as a board member if they have enough TLM.

Management Mechanisms. Users can stake TLM tokens for a specific planet in order to have a vote on it. The number of planets available for staking on Alien Worlds is not limited. Voting rights are confirmed with tokens, which the smart contract gives back to the user who staked the tokens.

Planet Treasury. This is the name of the total balance of staked TLM.

Federation. It consists of the project development team and is responsible for creating new planets or removing them, for issuing NFTs, counting and distributing TLM. The team is also responsible for the game’s technical part, design, and usability.

Tools. These tokens are used for mining. At the beginning of the game, each user gets a shovel, which can be found in the inventory. But to mine Trillium more efficiently, the user must have more tools: drills, excavators, etc. These can be purchased on the AtomicHub Marketplace. The characteristics of tools are power, drop probability, load time, and POW (proof of work). The better the last parameter, the easier it is for the user’s computer to mine Trillium.

Mercenaries. The characteristics of minions are race, element, movement cost, attack, and defense. These parameters affect the outcome of battles with other players.

Weapons. The items are used to fight in interplanetary competitions. Each weapon has unique characteristics as well.

Avatars. They perform a decorative function.

In Alien Worlds, the following types of objects are represented by NFTs: land, tools, mercenaries, arms, and avatars. All NFT items are divided by rarity levels into abundant, common, rare, epic, legendary, and mythical. Each NFT in the game has a name, attributes, functionality, ownership, and history of the past owners. NFTs are represented in the user interface as collectible tokens. On WAX, tokens exist in the Atomic Assets smart contract database. On Binance Smart Chain, they conform to the BEP-721 token standard, to which the data held on IPFS servers is linked.

The main NFT items, lands, are located on the planets. Each land has a set of characteristics, such as the number of TLM generated per mine. Each planet initially has a limited number of lands. They are all owned by the Federation until purchased by the user. Landowners have the right to rent out their plots, receiving a percentage of the remuneration from the TLM mined by the tenant. Mining on unsold lands (still owned by the Federation) is subject to a 20% commission. Charged commission goes into the Alien Worlds Fund.

How to use Alien Worlds?

The only wallet Alien Worlds can be currently accessed with is a Wallet. In order to access the game, you must have 5 WAXes in your wallet. Before the start of the game, the user chooses a character. Each player can set their own name up to 18 characters long. A new user is given a starter pack that includes a basic avatar and a shovel. The user then has to choose one of the planets and start mining TLM through gameplay.

For mining TLM tokens, the resources of the computer or smartphone are used. Thus, the Alien Worlds app is essentially a mining app. TLM mining in Alien Worlds is literally SHA-256 cryptocurrency mining with the hardware resources of a computer/smartphone, similar to Bitcoin mining. To speed up mining in Alien Worlds, the user needs to use tools. Up to three tools can be used simultaneously. While mining, you have a small chance of finding an NFT. Some NFTs can be applied at once to increase the chances of mining more Trillium.

Each tool has a unique combination of five parameters that affect the speed and success of mining. These parameters include: the time it takes to charge/recharge the tools before they can be used again; Trillium Mining Power — the higher this number, the more TLM the item can mine; NFT Luck Modifier, which affects the chance of finding more NFTs while mining.

The last parameter is Proof of Work Reduction. The POW parameter allows the TLM miners to use not only their own hardware, but also to “delegate” mining to other users' devices. The higher this number is on the tool, the easier it is to mine with it, and vice versa.

All game items (except land) also have the Shininess parameter — shininess/gloss. It depends on rarity and determines some game characteristics of the items and their collectible value, as well as their appearance. To increase the shininess of a single token, you need four separate identical tokens of the previous shininess level.

The Alien Worlds website and forums contain a large number of tables and special calculators to calculate profitability and make the best mining strategies.

Alien Worlds staking

Players can stake TLM on planets' DAOs to earn passive income and increase the planet's reward pool. By staking, players also receive a vote on a planet's DAO based on the share of staked TLM.

The TLM token

Trillium (TLM) is a native Alien Worlds token that functions both as in-game currency and in-game resource. It is used for staking on planets and for participating in in-game events. It is supported on the WAX, Ethereum, and BNB blockchains, so users can hold Trilium on any chain depending on their preferences. 

TLM supply is limited: a total of 10 billion coins will be mined. TLM mining is real mining but is performed in a game form. The mining profitability depends on the wealth of the land where the player mines TLM, on the land owner's mining commission, and on the equipment used (it can be upgraded for the mined tokens). 

The allocation of the TLM token is as follows: 13.75% to seed sale; 6.69% to the TLM presale; 2.92% to the Binance launchpad; 3.5% for external protocol development; 9.24% for marketing expenses; 13.14% to the Alien Worlds foundation; 5.35% to the project advisors; 14.6% to the team; 3.89% for governance; 5.84% for liquidity provision; 3.41% as staking rewards; 0.78% used for security audits; 14.24% for ecosystem grants; and 2.72% is used for participation rewards.

Is Alien Worlds safe?

Alien Worlds team is led by Saro McKenna, a longtime participant in blockchain in various ecosystems. McKenna was involved in EosDAC, a blockchain producer for the EOS network. She founded Dacoco GMBH, based in Zug, Switzerland, and founded it as the company behind the launch of Alien Worlds. Co-founders also include Rob Allen, who has been involved in cutting-edge technology projects for more than 25 years, and crypto projects for the past five years. 

Alien Worlds blended previous experience in blockchain with enthusiasm for NFT, while Dacoco has experience in creating tokenized DAOs and leveraging community value with digital assets.


In April 2021, the game entered into a partnership with Binance, allowing for a token sale on its platform. After the TLM token sale, a Binance’s planet with its name appeared in the game's meta-universe. 

The project attracted investments from such funds as Animoca Brands, Moonwell Ventures, Hillrise Capital and others. Also, partnerships have been established with projects such as Techcircus, PlayToEarn, and others.

What's next?

The team continues to actively work on the project, improving the existing functionality of the game, and bringing in new features. Among the new expected features are: landowner-specific NFT mining incentive distribution mechanism; Interactive storyline events & cross promotions with other games/NFTs; governance; "Heroes and Minions" packs and fighting functionality; land terraforming and farming by landowners enabled; avatar enhancements; selected external NFT collectibles gain powers in the Alien World metaverse; quests and immersive experiences; interoperability between digital items; "services" on land; and additional terraforming (that impacts mining attributes).



Frank Stewskid

Frank Stewskid

Last updated: Aug 16, 2023

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